The City of Macon, Missouri / Macon Municipal Utilities (MMU) is soliciting responses to the following Request for Qualifications (RFQ). MMU is only accepting submittals in printed form. Electronic submittals will be considered non-responsive and will not be considered.

MMU is starting preparations for necessary upcoming improvements to its water and wastewater systems. This is expected to be a significant capital project funded through the Department of Natural Resources’ State Revolving Fund. MMU is seeking the services of a licensed, registered, knowledgeable, and experienced Financial Advisor (“Advisor”) to assist with various public finance related services, including bond election education and support, financial analysis and rate planning, and ongoing compliance with financial and disclosure regulations. The selected firm will serve as a fiduciary, providing objective advice to ensure the best interest of MMU in its financial undertakings. The scope of this assignment is limited to the contemplated issuance of water and wastewater bonds for the projects heretofore described. MMU is contemplating issuing through the State of Missouri, Department of Natural Resources, State Revolving Loan Fund (MoSRF).

MMU reserves the right to accept or reject any bids.