October 23, 2023
The regular meeting of the Board of Public Works was held on October 23, 2023, at 5:00 pm in the City Council Chambers. Those in attendance were Vice President David Ausmus, Board Member David Wilt, Board Member Jeff Roberts, Assistant General Manager and Manager of Energy Resources Ben Stueve, Controller Jennifer McLeland, Mayor Tony Petre, Councilman Jerold Carr, Councilman Talt Holman, Councilwoman Cheryl Blaise, Underground Facilities Supervisor Mike Llewellyn, and citizen Gloria Guinn.
Vice President David Ausmus called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.
1. Approval of Minutes from Prior Board Meetings – Board Member David Wilt made a motion, seconded by Vice President David Ausmus, to approve the minutes from the September 18 and 29, 2023 open meetings as written. The motion carried with three votes for and none against.
Under old business:
3. Approval of Natural Gas Adder Payments – Jennifer McLeland, Controller, reviewed that the adjustments have been prepared by Tyler Technologies and reviewed by business office staff for accuracy. She recommends that the adjustments be processed between the bill due date and meter reading so all adjustments will be included on customer statements for minimal confusion. Following a brief discussion the Board recommended that the adjustments be processed in November to be included in customers December utility statements. No vote was taken.
4. Approval of 818 Walnut Sewer Relocation Payment – Ben Stueve shared that in a direct conversation with Cody Lewis, he had requested a three-year prorated payment plan to be included with the monthly utility bill. Vice President David Ausmus suggested the topic be tabled until Cody Lewis could be present to discuss payment for the wastewater main relocation. No vote was taken.
Under new business:
5. Review of Financials – September 2023 – Jennifer McLeland, Controller, shared electric fund revenues and expenses had both decreased as a result of the drop in temperature. She added that water fund revenues and expenses were similar to the prior month, wastewater expenses were increased due to the purchase of materials in preparation for the City of Macon’s street overlay project, and natural gas revenues rose due to increased usage by ConAgra.
6. Approval of Organizational Chart Changes – Mrs. McLeland led the discussion of needed changes to the organizational chart following Bryce Butner’s resignation. Management recommends that Ben Stueve assume the oversight of the operational crews and mechanic and Austin Barnett be promoted to Electric Distribution Supervisor as these were the primary managerial duties held by Mr. Butner. Board Member Jeff Roberts made a motion, seconded by Board Member David Wilt to approve the organizational chart changes of Ben Stueve additionally managing the Electric Distribution, Underground Facilities, and Utility Mechanic; as well as Austin Barnett assuming the Electric Distribution Supervisor duties. The motion carried with three votes for and none against.
7. Employee Retention & Recruitment – No reports were given.
8. Board of Public Works Member Reports – Vice President David Ausmus shared the construction contractor for the City of Macon’s new swimming pool project would be in town within the following day, he recommended that Mr. Stueve meet with them directly to discuss the utility needs on the final blueprints for materials to be ordered or budgeted accordingly for the temporary electrical service, transformer, water and wastewater service placement.
Vice President David Ausmus recommended that no major decisions be made regarding the sewer separation American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grant until the Interim City Administrator and General Manager both have time to become knowledgeable on the project.
Vice President David Ausmus also noted that Friday, October 27 would be the joint strategic training meeting with the City Council.
9. Approval of Accounts Payable – Board members signed accounts payable without revision.
10. Set Next Regular Meeting – Monday, November 13, 2023, at 5:00 pm.
A motion was made by Board Member Jeff Roberts, seconded by Board Member David Wilt, to go into executive session regarding Personnel (RSMo.610.021(3)). The votes were as follows: Vice President David Ausmus, yea; Board Member David Wilt, yea; and Board Member Jeff Roberts, yea.
A motion was made by Board Member Jeff Roberts, seconded by Board Member David Wilt, to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 pm. The motion passed with three votes for and none against.