November 13, 2023
The regular meeting of the Board of Public Works was held on November 13, 2023, at 5:00 pm in the City Council Chambers. Those in attendance were Vice President David Ausmus, Board Member David Wilt, Board Member Jeff Roberts, Assistant General Manager and Manager of Energy Resources Ben Stueve, Controller Jennifer McLeland, Mayor Tony Petre, Councilman Talt Holman, Councilwoman Cheryl Blaise, citizen Gloria Guinn, citizen Steve Olinger, and guest Cody Lewis.
Vice President David Ausmus called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.
1. Approval of Minutes from Prior Board Meetings – Board Member David Wilt made a motion, seconded by Vice President David Ausmus, to approve the minutes from the October 23, 2023 meeting as written. The motion carried with three votes for and none against.
Under old business:
2. Approval of 818 Walnut Sewer Relocation Payment – Cody Lewis requested the previously agreed upon 50% cost share of the approved R&L Boone Construction bid of $57,700.00 be equally spread over 30 months on his utility bill. Vice President David Ausmus continued the discussion that such a request has not been the standard of business and we do not want to set a precedent of providing special arrangements with non-governmental entity customers. Mr. Ausmus provided Mr. Lewis with an alternative option of contacting Economic Development regarding an IDA loan at 2% interest. Mr. Ausmus also offered to Mr. Lewis for MMU to proceed with lowering the existing manhole and capping it with concrete to allow for uninterrupted construction of their building prior to the rescheduling of sewer relocation with R&L Boone Construction. No vote was taken.
3. Approval for Capital Electric Line Builders to Rent 28927 Business Route 36 W – Ben Stueve shared Capital Electric Line Builders reached back out regarding renting the property at 28927 Business Route 36 W. They did not accept the monthly rent approved of $1,500 during the September 18, 2023, Board of Public Works meeting. Mr. Stueve recommended that the rent amount be amended to $1,000. Following brief discussion Board Member David Wilt made a motion, seconded by Board Member Jeff Roberts to approve the rental of 28927 Business Route 36 W, commonly known as the Ellyson Property, to be used as a laydown yard by Capital Electric Line Builders during construction of Northeast Power transmission lines throughout 2024 at $1,000 per month, with the stipulation that they agree to haul in rock to form a gravel area for parking equipment to maintain the integrity of the property. The motion carried with three votes for and none against.
Under new business:
4. Amend the Motion to Sell Truck #26 to City of Macon – Jennifer McLeland, Controller reviewed the minutes from the August 21, 2023, meeting, “Board Member Scott Lucas made a motion, seconded by Board Member David Wilt to approve the purchase of the 2023 F-150 for $44,264 through Sourcewell and to sell the 2011 F350 to the City of Macon at market value. The motion carried with four votes for and none against.” Following a brief discussion Board Member Jeff Roberts made a motion, seconded by Board Member David Wilt to approve the purchase of the 2023 F-150 for $44,264 through Sourcewell and to sell the 2011 F-350 to the City of Macon for $1 upon receipt of the newly purchased truck. The motion carried with three votes for and none against.
5. Approval of Contractor to Build at 505 N Rubey – Vice President Ausmus lead a discussion with Talt Holman that MMU has no written agreement to allow construction over the sewer main on his property at 505 N Rubey. Mr. Holman recollected when the property was rezoned through the City of Macon Planning and Zoning Committee, he was granted permission to construct across the entire property, encompassing the sewer main. Mr. Ausmus reiterated that MMU did not find any records regarding the allowance of construction over the sewer main at this property in City Council minutes, ordinances, or resolutions. After additional discussion Mr. Ausmus tabled the discussion for further investigation. No vote was taken.
6. Approval of 2024 Budget – Mrs. McLeland shared an overview of how revenues are calculated, large expenses, and the capital improvements. Mr. Ausmus noted that with the current staffing changes at Economic Development he would recommend approving their contribution on a quarterly basis. Board Member David Wilt made a motion, seconded by Board Member Jeff Roberts to approve 2024 budget as presented with the contributions to Economic Development being Board approved quarterly. The motion carried with three votes for and none against.
7. Employee Retention & Recruitment – No reports were given.
8. Board of Public Works Member Reports – Vice President Ausmus requested an update on the municipal pool project. Mr. Stueve shared that a meeting was already set for the following day with the contractor and City department heads to finalize the plans, including the placement of utilities. He also confirmed that following a previous conversation with the engineers the sizing of the transformer needed was established and it has already been ordered.
Mr. Ausmus shared that he still has no response from Agri-Genesis on their planned expansion.
Mr. Ausmus, following a review of MMU paid utilities, was curious about the City of Macon’s property on Blees Industrial Drive, formerly an offsite campus for Moberly Area Community College (MACC). Mrs. McLeland shared that MACC nor Central Methodist University (CMU) either utilize the property at this time, the site is solely used for the Macon Literacy Center.
9. Approval of Accounts Payable – Board members signed accounts payable without revision.
10. Set Next Regular Meeting – Monday, December 18, 2023, at 5:00 pm.
A motion was made by Board Member Jeff Roberts, seconded by Board Member David Wilt, to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm. The motion passed with three votes for and none against.