November 18, 2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Public Works was held on November 18, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.  Those in attendance were President Tim Watts, Vice President John Neer, Board Member J.D. King, Board Member Kevin Butner, General Manager Stephanie Wilson, Operations Consultant Scott Lucas, Assistants to the General Managers Bryce Butner and Ben Stueve, Controller Jennifer McLeland, City Administrator Avis Marshall and Mayor James Talt Holman.  Members from the Macon City Council were also in attendance, Tony Petre and Jerry Thompson.   Heather Viele with the Interstate Municipal Gas Association was an attending guest. 

President Tim Watts called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Immediately upon opening the meeting, he made a motion, seconded by Board Member Kevin Butner, to go into executive session regarding Legal (Rs. MO.610.021(1). The votes were as follows: Tim Watts, yea; John Neer, yea; and Kevin Butner, yea. J.D. King arrived after the vote was taken.

Immediately upon reopening the meeting, Vice President John Neer made a motion, seconded by Board Member Kevin Butner, to approve the minutes from the October 21, 2019 meeting.  The motion carried with four votes for and none against.

First item on the agenda was review of Monthly Financials for October 2019.  All funds are trending well, mild temperatures related to lower usage during this billing period.  Gas usage was up from prior month but down compared to the prior year. 

Next item on the agenda was Approval of the 2020 Budget for Macon Municipal Utilities.  The budget was delivered to Board Members on November 8th for them to review.  General Manager Stephanie Wilson discussed highlighted items of interest and discussed with the Board the impact to the 2020 budget.  Vice President John Neer made a motion, seconded by Board Member J.D. King, to recommend to the City Council of Macon, Missouri the 2020 Budget for MMU as presented.  The motion carried with four votes for and none against. 

Next item on the agenda was Approval of Grant Application to the United States Department of Agriculture Community Development Block Grant Program – Long Branch Lake Pump Station.  MMU has learned that there is USDA grant funding available for those impacted by flooding in 2019.  The floor of the pump station is lower than the emergency spillway at Long Branch Lake and was impacted this past year during the record setting water elevation in the lake.  Ms. Wilson has filled out the grant application to recommend to the City Council of Macon, Missouri that Mayor Talt Holman be able to sign to learn if our project to make updates to the pump station can be considered.  Board Member J.D. King made the motion, seconded by Board Member Kevin Butner, to present the grant application to the City Council to approve Mayor Holman’s signature.  The motion carried with four votes for and none against. 

Last item on the agenda was Approval of Grant Application to the United States Department of Agriculture Community Development Block Grant Program – Water Main Pipe Sizing for Increased Flow.  Along the same lines, infrastructure to address a community’s needs is a portion of what can be considered for funding.  As a secondary source for water, a grant request can be submitted to look at the flow capabilities between Macon Municipal Utilities (MMU) and the Macon County Public Water Supply.  President Tim Watts made the motion, seconded by Vice President John Neer, to present the grant application to the City Council to approve Mayor Holman’s signature.  The motion carried with four votes for and none against. 

Ms. Wilson also noted that MMU will be accepting sealed bids through December 4, 2019, 1:00 pm, for a 2011 bucket truck.  She also shared that James Reed from the Underground Facilities department has accepted an internal transfer to the Electric Distribution department and will begin duties on December 2, 2019.  He will begin training as an Apprentice in January 2020. Sean Richards has also accepted a position in the Electric Distribution Department and will be starting as a Journey Lineworker on December 9, 2019.  Interviews for the Underground Facilities department will be conducted this week.  This department are needing to fill two positions for Operations Mechanics. 

Operations Consultant Scott Lucas noted activities for the Operations Center remodel and building repairs at Vine and Macon Energy Center.  Electric Distribution and Underground Facilities are mostly doing routine activities along with meter change outs and installing equipment to facilitate Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMI) deployment. 

Supervisors Ed Samel and Ronny Smith at the Water & Wastewater Treatment Plants reported that all heat sources at the water towers have been checked and started.  This keeps the lines from freezing that make our level detection working for the SCADA of the towers.  For the Headworks Project at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, tours were scheduled for Bryce Butner, Benjamin Stueve and Ronny Smith to visit at Springfield, Il. with Jim Hopkins from Ressler & Associates, plus Debi Gibbins and Jeff Barnard from Burns & McDonnell. Seven other plants were toured as well in Iowa with Jesse Kuntz from Vandevanter plus Burns & McDonnell.  A lot of good information was gathered along with viewing of several pieces of equipment. 

After approval of accounts payable and setting the next regular meeting for Monday, December 16, 2019 at 4:00 p.m., a motion was made by President Tim Watts, seconded Board Member Kevin Butner to adjourn the meeting.  The motion carried with four votes for and none against. 

President Tim Watts adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m.