July 22, 2019
The regular meeting of the Board of Public Works was held on July 22, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Those in attendance were President Tim Watts, Vice President John Neer, Board Member J.D. King, Board Member Kevin Butner, General Manager Stephanie Wilson, Assistant General Manager Scott Lucas, and City Administrator Avis Marshall. Jeff Barnard & Debbi Gibbins with Burns & McDonnell Engineering were also in attendance along with Dennis Stith & Troy Jerman with McClure Engineering. Special guests included Barbara Primm and Kelsey Hinshaw from Loch Haven Nursing Home.
President Tim Watts called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Vice President John Neer made a motion, seconded by Board Member Kevin Butner, to approve the minutes from the June 17, 2019 meeting. The motion carried with four votes for and none against.
Loch Haven Administrator Kelsey Hinshaw shared information with the Board about the Macon County Nursing Home Tax Levy which will be on the August 6, 2019 ballot. Information included finances, maintenance, regulations, and other conditions affecting the long-term care industry. City Administrator Avis Marshall also spoke about the City of Macon Use Tax which will also be on the August 6, 2019 ballot. She noted the increase in on-line shopping and how the use tax would replace some of the funding that has been lost due to this trend to put towards City services.
First item on the agenda was the monthly review of financials for the month of June 2019. Electric usage increased due to the air conditioning season.
Next item on the agenda was approval of a bid for the polymer bulk tank replacement at the Water Treatment Plant that is in the 2019 budget. General Manager Stephanie Wilson noted the differences between the bids received from USA Blue Book and Westfall Company. Vice President John Neer made the motion, seconded by J.D. King, to proceed with the purchase of the tank and telemetry in the amount of $21,176.59 from USA Blue Book. The motion carried with four votes for and none against. MMU will secure a crane on its own and did not accept the bid quote for this item.
Under manager reports, Ms. Wilson shared that Ozark Applicators anticipates a start date of July 29, 2019 for the painting and maintenance project on the exterior of the west water tower. She also mentioned the project with the City and McClure Engineering to replace a box culvert on Walnut Street. At the time of construction, it was found that MMU’s water and sewer mains are not deep enough for the new box culvert requirements. The process to relocate or lower the mains to work with the new culvert are being reviewed. She also announced that the System Operator vacancy has been accepted by Charles Mitchell who will begin employment August 1, 2019 and shadow retiring David Terry who is retiring in September 2019 to learn the procedures. Application for the Accounts Payable Clerk position are being reviewed with interviews scheduled the week of July 29th.
Under Assistant General Manager Scott Lucas updates he noted operations for the Macon Energy Center and the Audrain Energy Centers. Macon Energy center ran in simple cycle July 16th to facilitate POET Biorefining, Inc. for stripper cleaning. At Laddonia Energy Center the generator enclosure fan tripped in the motor control center. A new roughly 300 lb., 40 horse-power fan will be replaced soon. The Special Services Group has been receiving training sessions regarding the new SCADA system from Blakely & Associates for the electric distribution system. They have also been cleaning up downed trees at the Macon Lake (Site 5, Main Point) and cleaned grills and tables.
Electric Distribution’s main focus the last two week has been the West Bourke Underground Project, pot holing utilities, boring primary and secondary duct, pulling conductor, digging and setting junction boxes and transformer pads, bored in several electric services to homes and installed conduit in various locations. An extension of 12,470 V primary electric line has been extended to service Central Service & Supply on Nixon Industrial Boulevard.
At the water and wastewater plants, Manager Roger Rector’s updates noted normal daily operations at both plants, with conversations between Burns & McDonnell and MMU about the media replacement on the trickling filters at the wastewater treatment plant. MMU underground facilities crew will be measuring off where we plan to build the new headworks at the wastewater treatment plant and removing all trees over 12” in diameter.
After approval of accounts payable and setting the next regular meeting for Monday, August 19, 2019 at 4:00 p.m., a motion was made by President Tim Watts, seconded Vice President John Neer, to hold an executive session regarding Personnel (Rs.MO.610.021 (3)). The votes as follows: Tim Watts; yea, John Neer; yea, J.D. King; yea, and Kevin Butner; yea.
When the meeting reopened at 6:30 pm it was immediately adjourned by President Tim Watts.