February 19, 2024
The regular meeting of the Board of Public Works was held on February 19, 2024, at 5:00 pm in the City Council Chambers. Those in attendance were Vice President David Ausmus, Board Member David Wilt, Board Member Chris Nelson, Secretary Lauren Watson, Controller Jennifer McLeland, Assistant General Manager and Manager of Energy Resources Ben Stueve, General Manager Dana Ulmer, and Mayor Tony Petre.
Vice President David Ausmus called the meeting to order at 5:09 pm.
1. Approval of Minutes from Prior Board Meetings – January 16, 2024 – The Approval of the minutes from the January 16, 2024 was tabled until March 18, 2024.
Under old business:
2. Review and Approval to Replace Truck # 26, Underground Facilities Supervisor – Ben Stueve explained in July, MMU issued a purchase order for a 2023 F150XL Supercab for $44,263 for National Auto Fleet Group for delivery at the end of 2023. The order was cancelled in December due to lack of stock, and they sent an offer of $48,903.26 for an equivalent 2024 model. Management requested bids from local dealers and Machens submitted a bid of $44,952. Board Member David Wilt made the motion, seconded by Vice President David Ausmus, to approve the purchase and replacement of truck #26 from Machens for $44,952. The motion carried with three votes for and none against.
Under new business:
3. Review of Financials – December 2023 and January 2024 – Controller Jennifer McLeland explained that non-cash entries such as Pension Liability have a significant impact on the year-end financials. She continued discussion of January 2024 financials by adding that the colder weather increased both sales revenue and commodity expenses for electric and natural gas.
4. Approval to Change Contacts at MA Bank – Mrs. McLeland explained that following the employee changes in the business office during 2023, MA Bank needs employee name, job title, and drivers license number for personnel allowed access to their accounts. Former employees Renita Waldron, Miranda Peavler, and Michelle Brinkman need to be removed from the accounts. While Lauren Watson and Emily Winkler need to be added to the accounts. Board Member David Wilt made a motion, seconded by Board Member Chris Nelson, to approve that the three former employees be removed from the contacts at MA Bank and replaced with Lauren Watson, Employee & Customer Relations (driver’s license V041303003) and Emily Winkler, Customer Service Representative (driver’s license 041C075002) as contacts at MA Bank. The motion carried with three votes for and none against.
5. Approval to Trade in Stand-On Trencher for SK800 Skid Steer Trencher Attachment– Mr. Stueve shared that management would like to trade in the stand-on trencher for a trencher attachment. The stand-on trencher was purchased as part of a package previously but is not utilized due to its limited functionality. Mr. Stueve explained that the trencher attachment would be safer when working on uneven surfaces and would fit on the current trailer. Vice President David Ausmus made a motion, seconded by Board Member David Wilt, to approve the trade in of the stand-on skid steer for the SK800 skid steer trencher attachment. The motion carried with three votes for and none against.
6. Approval to Sell Additional Generator Parts – Mr. Stueve has been approached by additional municipalities that could utilize individual parts from the decommissioned diesel generators. Management would like to be authorized to advertise for the sale of 10 cylinder heads, 10 upper fuel tube lines and 10 lower fuel tube lines; as well as, to award or reject, at their discretion, best offer after the public bid time has expired. Board Member Chris Nelson made a motion, seconded by Board Member David Wilt, to approve the bid advertisement for the sale of 10 cylinder heads, 10 upper fuel tube lines and 10 lower fuel tube lines; and for management to award or reject any bids received. The motion carried with three votes for and none against.
7. Employee Retention & Recruitment – Mrs. McLeland shared that the Underground Facilities crew is fully staffed. Internal interviews have concluded but not hiring decisions finalized for employees interested in Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor following Ronny Smith’s retirement on April 1, 2024. Interviews have also continued for Customer Service Representative and Accounts Payable Associate.
8. Board of Public Works Member Reports – No Board of Public Works reports were given.
9. Approval of Accounts Payable – Board members signed accounts payable without revision.
10. Set Next Regular Meeting – Monday, March 18, 2024, at 5:00 pm.
A motion was made by Board Member David Wilt, seconded by Board Member Chris Nelson, to adjourn the meeting at 5:39 pm. The motion carried with three votes for and none against.