April 17, 2023
The regular meeting of the Board of Public Works was held on April 17, 2023 at 5:00 pm in the City Council Chambers. Those in attendance were President Brian Terry, Vice President David Ausmus, Board Member David Wilt, Board Member Scott Lucas, General Manager Stephanie Wilson, Assistant General Manager and Manager of Energy Resources Ben Stueve, Mayor Anthony Petre, City Administrator Avis Marshall, Councilwoman Cheryl Blaise, Councilman Jerry Thompson and Councilman Talt Holman. Attending guests included Jim Simon with Macon Affordable Housing Corporation plus Jeff Barnard and Lauren Moore with Burns & McDonnell, Inc.
President Brian Terry called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.
- Approval of Minutes from prior Board Meeting – Board Member David Wilt made a motion, seconded by Vice President David Ausmus, to approve the minutes from the March 20, 2023, meeting as written. The motion carried with four votes for and none against.
Under old business:
2. Discussion of Lift Station – Macon Affordable Housing Corporation (MAHC) – Jim Simon was in attendance to discuss the lift station servicing Lakeside Estates. The MAHC is proposing to provide $15,000 in funds towards the retrofit of the lift station. Vice President David Ausmus made a motion, seconded by Board Member Scott Lucas, for Macon Municipal Utilities to solicit public bids and cost share the expense beyond MAHC’s $15,000 contribution. Upon bringing the lift station up to Missouri Department of Natural Resources standards, MMU would assume ownership and maintenance of the lift station.
President Brian Terry made a motion to amend the previous motion to agree to the cost-share pending a favorable secondary legal opinion from the City Council of Macon, Missouri. The amended motion was seconded by Board Member David Wilt. The motion was carried with four votes for and none against.
Under new business:
3. Approval of Professional Services Agreement and Task Order 1 for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stormwater Grant Projects – Jeff Barnard and Lauren Moore with Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company presented the engineering agreement relating to diverting stormwater from the Combined Sewer System projects associated with the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stormwater Grant. Ms. Moore provided a brief overview of the engineering agreement and Task Order 1, not-to-exceed $160,300.00, assessing the intended projects (Oakwood, Bourke/Pearl, and South Storm Sewer) for updated preliminary design and construction costs prior to determining an exact path forward. Board Member Scott Lucas made a motion, seconded by Vice President David Ausmus, to recommend to the City Council of Macon, Missouri approval of the engineering agreement and Task Order 1 contingent upon acceptance of contract language by the Missouri Intergovernmental Risk Management Association and City Attorney Tim Bickhaus. The motion carried with four votes for and none against.
- Discussion and Approval of Bid for Relocation of Wastewater Collection Main at 818 Walnut Street – Ms. Wilson shared bids opened on April 13, 2023 for the relocation of the wastewater collection main at 818 Walnut Street, Macon, Missouri to allow for the business expansion of Lewis Body Shop as approved in the March 20, 2023 Board meeting. After a short discussion, Board Member David Wilt made a motion, seconded by Board Member Scott Lucas, to accept R&L Boone Construction’s bid of $57,700.00 and to participate in a 50% cost share with Mr. Cody Lewis of Lewis Body Shop contingent upon Mr. Lewis signing a settlement dispute drafted by City Attorney Tim Bickhaus to complete the building addition at 818 Walnut Street, Macon, Missouri by a specific date to be approved for signature at the May 15, 2023 Board of Public Works meeting. The settlement dispute will include requirement of a survey and permanent utility easement. The motion also noted that while 8-inch SDR 35 pipe was specified in the bid packet, a change order may be necessary to request SDR 26 pipe be used due to the depth of the pipe.
President Brian Terry made a motion to amend the previous motion to also include a favorable secondary written legal opinion for the approach with the project from the City Council of Macon, Missouri. The amended motion was seconded by Board Member David Wilt. The motion was carried with four votes for and none against.
5. Review of Financials – March 2023 – Ms. Wilson shared noteworthy activity for each fund. The electric fund has realized increased revenue due to the environmental cleanup at 708 S. Missouri Street, Macon, Missouri. The natural gas fund had a net loss due to rate stabilization funds being utilized to maintain a consistent retail rate for customers.
6. Employee Retention & Recruitment – Ms. Wilson reported that Lauren Watson began duties as the Customer Service Representative on March 30, 2023 and interviews have been held for the vacant Underground Facilities position.
9. Board of Public Works Member Reports – No additional reports.
10. Approval of Accounts Payable – Board members signed accounts payable.
11. Set Next Regular Meeting – Monday, May 15, 2023 at 5:00 pm.
A motion was made by Board Member Scott Lucas, seconded by Board Member David Wilt, to go into executive session regarding Legal (RSM0.610.021 (1)), Leasing, Purchase, or Sale of Real Estate (RSMo.610.021(2)), and Sealed Bids & Contract Negotiations (RSMo.610.021(12)). The votes were as follows: President Brian Terry, yea; Vice President David Ausmus, yea; Board Member David Wilt, yea; and Board Member Scott Lucas, yea.
When the open meeting reconvened, at 7:49 pm a motion was made by President Brian Terry, seconded by Board Member David Wilt, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed with four votes for and none against.